Idea Page


Vial: of any copyright...Use it to save the world...

Thinking outside the Vial...

We all are worried, when will it be our turn, to get the vaccine.  Yet, we hear that there is an enormous amount of vaccine that goes to waste because of the misdirected instructions and policies. Hence, a thought occurred to me, the chemist in me woke up. 

What if we have a graduated marking at the bottom to indicate the amount available for one last dose...May be the awakening came a little late for me...I urge the Vial manufacturers' to use this idea if applicable and maybe save more people for the unseen enemy. 


 1) This would help us know if we have the right amount left.
 2) Opportunity to check how many doses have been given.
 3) If there is the right amount, can they give to someone immediately, but adopting proper procedures.
 4) If there is no one to give it right away, who can they get to on their waiting list.

  You all get the picture... More people Vaccinated at the same production level...
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